Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Its a Wednesday

Its Wednesday the 28th and I confused this day with a YearUp day so I accidentally woke up at about 5am. I was quite happy that I didn't have to go to the bart station. So I proceeded to go back to sleep.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Post X-mas

Had a nice xmas with family, I spent most of it at home watching movies back to back like "In Time" and "Cowboys and Aliens". After I took a nice nap, I woke up at about 2am and Skyped a few friends.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Internships, Ready!

To me someone who is internship ready can look at a difficult task and feel confident that they can complete this task in a correct and professional manner. I plan to change the work ethic I have come to be a custom to and apply a more efficient to my business skills. I want to be able to conduct myself in my internship as professionally as possible and show my supervisors that I am not here for an internship; I am here for a career. This process may have to include cutting down a few things outside of the work place I enjoy, that don’t necessarily help me achieve my goal to have a successful career. The main thing I would like to change is my tendency to have an “I can do it later” attitude. It can get in the way of a lot of great opportunities and set me back from many goals I can easily achieve.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First jobs first

My first and only job that I am still currently working at is lifeguarding and a water safty instructor. I have been working as a lifeguard for about 7 or 8 years now, I started when I was very young and I wasn't all that excited for it. I had been forced into a Jr lifeguarding course at about age 12 by my mother, she told me that this would be a great skill for me to have sense I was a swimmer anyways. After I finished the course the job grew on me after a while and I decided to continue with it. Now I am one of the longest working employees since that time. The job isn't that difficult after you finish all of your training, your main duties consist of being caucious and curtious to the patrons, cleaning and maintanece of the pool, and the abilitiy to act accordingly when an emergencey arises. The perks I would have to say is the free, unlimited acssess to the pools recouses and being able to use the pool at will anytime I please to use it. Some of the downsides include having to clean up after messy patrons or bodily fluids of any sort, but the benefit of knowing that I am helping someone or saving someone's life out weighs that fact in any sense.